ヴィタ・シドルキナのインスタグラム(vitasidorkina) - 8月17日 20時47分

When people ask me what is the best part of being a model??
My answer is-traveling.? Modeling gave me such an incredible opportunity to travel- I was thinking the other day how many countries I visited??
I started modeling when I was 13??, worked in Asia a lot (Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, China) at age of 15 I had my first trip to EU(Greece)...then I worked between Paris and NYC when I was 17.
At age of 18 I had to stop modeling for a year to finish my school?....and FINALLY after my school was done - I moved to the city of my dreams NYC!? While based in NYC I still had incredible amount of traveling (Australia,UK, Spain,Bahamas). That’s all just my work trips? beside that list I also had gone for vacation to Italy, South Africa, India, Maldives, Thailand. Counting all the countries and remembering all the adventures brought so much good memories??? #memories #vitasidorkina


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