Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 8月16日 06時01分

Don Lemon revealed the sad reality about President Trump’s alleged "n-word" tape. ■ “It would be rational to think that if this purported tape of Trump using the N-word exists ― and there is no proof that it does ― but if it did, it would be a bombshell, right? Right? It’d have to be... or would it?” ■ “What if I told you that I had a tape of Trump calling Mexicans criminals and rapists,” Lemon said before airing the clip from Trump’s campaign announcement speech. Lemon also played the infamous “Access Hollywood” “grab ’em by the pussy” tape, footage of Trump mocking a disabled reporter, film of the president calling black athletes protesting police brutality “sons of bitches” and more. // ?: Getty Images


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