モヒートのインスタグラム(mojito_rose_family) - 8月15日 02時11分

Sweet, sleepy puppy (not for long ?) We appreciate all the concern about Julep’s eye but seriously people, just enjoy adorable af puppy photos and stop questioning our competency as parents. Last week it was noticed that her lower eyelid flipped in and was causing a bit of irritation. This can be very common in puppies...likely because she has such a chubby, wrinkly face with extra skin ?. She is from an amazing reputable breeder that focusing on keeping the healthiest, most long living blood lines possible...not a puppy mill selling sick puppies like some people have not so nicely accused us of. This is 100% not a genetic or health issue, it just happens sometimes. We are not neglecting her treatment like many people are also accusing. Their daddy is an emergency RVT and would NEVER EVER neglect these babies in any way. Seriously, he’s insane and you should see how he overreacts at the first sneeze of one of our fur kids. He works with a board certified ophthalmologist who is monitoring her eye and what it may or may not need. She gets lubrication a few times a day and the only current effect from her flipped lid is a little extra tearing up. And guess what? She’s still amazing and adorable and perfect to us. Any further negative comments will continued to be deleted for our own sanity. Please continue to enjoy puppy spam in the mean time ?


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