ニック・マーティンのインスタグラム(nodirectioncasa) - 8月13日 06時16分

It’s so beautiful out here. An amazing part of our day was walking around, having students of all ages come up to us, and striking up conversations in English. Part of their curriculum in learning English is to do this with random strangers. Crazy, right? But, every single person we met was so kind. They didn’t want anything, other than to converse with Americans, while also making us feel welcomed. I encourage everyone to visit Mexico, or any country other than your own, to experience other cultures, while also embracing it with open arms. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. What you see/read on social media, or the news, can be extremely twisted, biased, and/or narrow-minded. It’s also disheartening. Experience other cultures & people. Realize this world isn’t just you. It isn’t just me. Practice acceptance & open mindedness. Much love ✌?


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