クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 8月11日 04時03分

Before I had kids I told myself I I would NEVER let my child watch the phone/ipad ever..boy, has things changed since ? I let Chloe watch my phone or her iPad a little bit everyday. I’ve downloaded as many educational apps on there for her to engage with the screen in a positive way. But sometimes I just let her zone out when I have to get some work done. But Sometimes I feel guilty letting her do so. So what are your guys’ thoughts on toddlers and screen time? Are you for it? Against it? How much is too much? Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic! I’ve always been honest with you guys on my social platforms, and am making more of an effort to openly talk about certain topics where we can all engage, discuss, and help each other out. #motherhood #chloeandchriselle


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