のインスタグラム(daramuscatlab) - 8月4日 17時32分

Yesterday I wrote down everything I can cook. Do you know this feeling when you feeling lost in front of your fridge not knowing what to cook? Even when you have ingredients. Or the same feeling when you are going to shop products and don’t know what to buy but having ton of ideas at home? With everyday workouts I’m feeling more inspired to cook at home treating my body right. So yesterday I decided to finish that story of being lost and to write down “grocery list” to always have it with me in my phone. And also all my favorite yummies separately for brekkie, lunch, dinner and snacks between. And I realized I can cook so many good yummy things! Now having it on the wall near the fridge. So helpful! Did you have any moments like that or it’s just me a nerdy one????? На русском в комментариях!? #dara_homerutine


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




