SPELLのインスタグラム(spell) - 8月4日 02時32分

At my first grown up job (as a video editor at a boutique Melbourne production house, when I was a spritely 21) my boss used to honour Friday arvo drinks like it was a holy thing. Come 3pm she’s pull out the Merlot and Coronas and serve with peanut m&ms and Kettle chips and we’d all sit around and debrief the week that had been... it was a ritual and I loved it! Today it’s so nice to find our own Friday knock off rituals in my own business, though alas, due to school pickups and family stuff I haven’t been able to enjoy it myself... but seeing pics like this, (thanks for the snap @herheart__ !) of the ritual alive and well {albeit with a few modifications, we’ve gone for Rosè over merlot, freckles over m&ms and this time with a backdrop of our ‘Women who inspire us’ wall} makes me smile and think of that other life, 21 years ago exactly ?? #spelHQ #spellofficestyle


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