のインスタグラム(deniseschaefer) - 7月30日 07時09分

Instagram is not real life. It’s really not much more than a photo album composed of tiny snippets of our lives that each person chooses to show. It’s impossible to try to analyze or dissect who a person is based on the photo album that they’re choosing to show you. It’s illogical to compare your entire day-to-day life, filled with emotions and all of your ups and downs, to someone else’s photo album. With that being said, don’t look at someone else’s Instagram and make the silly assumption that their life is perfect and yours isn’t. We all have bad times and 99% of the time our instinct isn’t to upload them like we do with our best times. I could go on.. but this is just a reminder that Instagram is just a virtual world, and sure it can be a lot of fun, but don’t think for a second that it’s a reflection of anybody’s real life. ❤️


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