ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 7月29日 10時13分

When someone asks if you brought the good shit and you’re like “don’t I always”? Im gonna be honest with everyone right now Cuz... that’s what I always do. Speaking of “the good shit”... Never have I ever... done cocaine. May not seem like a big deal but in my industry that’s unheard of. You know why I’ve never tried it.... prob because I’d love it. That was the vice for both of my parents and I have ran from it like it was The Devil. I love caffeine and could pass out after a Starbucks Cold brew. This is the ONLY pre workout that doesn’t make me crash or feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest. I feel energized and like I can kill my workout. I stand 1000% behind my @1stphorm #phamily preworkout and love that we can give everyone supplements / the tools they need to get shit handled. The healthy way ! The right way! Now..... what has everyone done and let’s be honest. Cuz I am!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





