タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 7月29日 02時24分

@haleyrynnringo i’m taking your photos once again!..??. You are what every bride and groom prays for. It’s not just your photography IT’S YOU! Your love, your passion, and your amazing energy make all the difference! I truly thank you! @mzguinness you said you would get it done and you over delivered! Having these images and moments are one thing but having them seen in the right spaces is everything. Thank you for creating a platform for us to share our love with the world. Thank you so much! @wifeoftheparty I don’t even know where to begin. You made dreams come true. I expected an uphill climb and you made it a stroll in the park. I’m glad the world is getting to see just how amazing you are with not just a budget but with love. As we say down south “You put yo foot in this one”. ??. Thank you! #babbstothebone #TheBabbs #RnBMoney #TheGeneral


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