rob scheppyのインスタグラム(robscheppy) - 7月28日 15時26分

Blood Moon, Black Moon

Lunar eclipses are like a Full Moon on steroids, crescendo-ing into revelations, endings and departures. They can herald deep change, from which there’s no going back.

Approximately twice a year, the Sun, Moon and Earth precisely align. As the Moon passes into the Earth’s shadow, the light that the Moon reflects from the Sun is temporarily blocked, or eclipsed.

These precise alignments only occur when the Sun and Moon are near the Moon’s nodes.

However, not all lunar eclipses are created equal. Sometimes, the Moon just brushes the edge of Earth’s shadow. But other times, the Moon passes right through the heart of the deepest shade, called the umbra. During these total lunar eclipses, sunlight, shining through the edges of the Earth’s atmosphere – all the world’s sunrises and sunsets – tinges the Moon a bloody, red hue.
#BlackLilithMoon #Aquarius #Mars #MercuryRetrograde @torihelf


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