DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 7月24日 11時06分

Apple def didn’t fall far from de tree! Mum loves basking in de sun, I loves basking in de sun. Mum loves cuddling me wiz my feet up like a lil Joey in a pouch, I love when mum cuddles me wiz my feet up like a lil Joey in a pouch! Mum loves to bake, I love to try steal baked goods from de kitchen counter! See my smile! It 50/50 bc of de cuddle and also bc I can smell de scones she got in de oven ? We go together like scones w jam and cream me n mum!
Also Mum wanted me to tell u dat de love we felt from yesterday’s story really touched her and Dad. We haz over 1000 messages of love ??? and we couldn’t be more thankful to haz all of you in our lives ♥️♥️♥️


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