スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 7月21日 05時22分

Happy National Zookeeper Week! ❤️? “In October 2016, our African lion Luke began walking with an on-again, off-again limp. Once we became suspicious that this was more than a minor muscle tweak, our veterinary team became involved. Through a series of exams and tests—including a CT scan—we discovered that Luke had a lesion on his spine that was affecting his right shoulder. Because there is no reasonable surgical option, staff have been trying diligently to manage his pain and keep him as comfortable as possible. One of the methods suggested by the veterinary team was to implement photobiomodulation, or laser therapy, to reduce inflammation. Ideally, this treatment is administered multiple times per week while Luke is awake. That way, we do not have to anesthetize him. Animal keeper Rebecca Stites trained Luke to voluntarily sit still and present his shoulder so that awake treatments could be administered on this 400-pound patient safely. This video shows how well both Rebecca and Luke have done! Thanks to Rebecca’s outstanding dedication to her animals, Luke’s pain is being managed very effectively and he is under the best care possible!”—Craig Saffoe, Curator of Great Cats, Andean Bears and Kids’ Farm
Read all of the nominations: https://s.si.edu/2NRkNnv. (Link in our profile.) #NZKW2018

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