キーガン・アレンのインスタグラム(keeoone) - 7月21日 05時00分

When I walk around, I meet a lot of people. Most people do not want to talk to me at all, they just want a selfie. It’s not a bad thing, but it feels like a missed opportunity for everyone involved.
Technology has caused a loss of sense.
I am hyper aware of everyone around me that tries to sneak a photo (similar to @コール・スプラウス ) and it doesn’t annoy me when people ask for a selfie...but it would be so much nicer to not need photo validation to prove our public, yet serendipitous meeting. If only a simple hello and conversation would suffice... I would much rather know about you and share a moment. But anyway, @analogpics took these. Nice to meet you all yesterday !! Love you!!


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