アンバー・ヴァレッタのインスタグラム(ambervalletta) - 7月19日 10時30分

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” ~ Nelson Mandela Thank you Naomi for gifting me with one of the most precious memories of my life. I will never forget how Mandela took me in his arms and held me as I cried. As he held me and looked into my eyes he said, “ I love you, my child.” He had never met me, he just was spreading and giving that unconditional fatherly love that he so generously gave to all. May his legacy of love live on always. Happy 100th Birthday Mandela❤️ #nelsonmandela @iamnaomicampbell


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