ガブリエル・マクトのインスタグラム(iamgabrielmacht) - 7月19日 04時52分

What could I possibly be afraid about? Tonight we premiere Season 8 of @suits_usa . Here is a little video tour of our production office. Have a look at some of the publicity/art we’ve had over the years. As we move into the post Mike/Rachel/Jessica era...I honor and cherish the last 7 years and look forward to bringing new stories of Harvey/Donna/Louis and welcoming new series regulars @dulehill @アマンダ・シュル and @キャサリン・ハイグル to the fold. #aaronkorsh hasn’t missed a step - he’s continued to trigger our fan’s dopamine levels. You can be the judge of that but in any case - I stand by my argument. #badumdum Tonight, I raise a metaphorical glass to all who have tuned in over the years...enjoy tonight and may you all feel something. I sure feel #grateful #humbled #workingactor #bts #gottalovemymusicchoice #dadjokesrock #daaaaaaaaad


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