Nicole Eevee Davisのインスタグラム(eeveedavis) - 7月19日 03時09分

My phone screen is broken so I haven’t been able to take any new photos lately, that’s why I’ve been spacing out these ones my friend took of me in Idaho 🌿 I’ve been outside a lot and working on my mental and physical health. It’s all a process that doesn’t happen overnight but I’m feeling a little stronger already and that tiny bit of hope is so warming to me. To actually see a change in me after years of being in a dark place might not sound like much at first but to me even an ounce of progress is monumental. I’ve been handling problems and issues that have been such a weight on me for so long, cleaning up my life by removing toxicities that bring me down or make me feel less that what I am helped me so much. I’m living in a better environment far away from everything and part of that moving on benefit has given me so much closure to broken feelings and loss of family or lack of self worth I had around me. You can’t always fight for approval and love, after a while you become broken down and reclusive, surround yourself with people who deserve you and have your best interest in mind to help you become a better person overall ♡


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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