パメラ・ライフのインスタグラム(pamela_rf) - 7月18日 03時37分

Smiling ‘cause I’m proud ? .. I remember asking you the „are you proud“ question on insta stories a while ago and wow, the result was shocking! Only about 50% went for „I’m proud of myself“ ? I wanted to talk about this since then & today seems to be a good moment haha. Being proud is something beautiful. It makes me happy, fulfilled & positive ? And to be honest: I feel proud about the smaaaaallest things ??‍♀️ If I finish my to-do list 1 hour early I’m freaking PROUD of it. If I (for once) go to bed early I feel proud. If I see a person doing my workout or sending me a nice message I feel proud. If I swallow my pride and say „I’m sorry for my mistake“ to a person I’m proud. If I pay those bills that I wanted to forget about I am proud. And whenever I finished a gym session I feel proud too ? it’s OKAY to feel proud about small achievements. You don’t need to have perfect grades in school, be a millionaire, have a sixpack or a big butt to finally feel proud... ?? Only looking at the destination might be cool for some time but what really makes you happy is enjoying the JOURNEY. ?? #feltliketalking #hihi


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