曹格格のインスタグラム(supergarychaw) - 7月18日 01時05分

To: you

loneliness gives you courage to love. it sounds weird doesnt it? there are many things and moments in life which are unavoidable, what is happiness without sadness? what is pain without pleasure? what is fear without courage? the fear of loneliness.............. i've realised that the MR lonlely within me comes visit me from time to time... i was afraid of him, but this fear of lonliness soon made me realised that he ( mr lonely) gives us courage to find love or to  take chances with love and never again avoid it. the fear of being alone actually turned into the strength of not wanting to be alone, the courage to fall in love again. i have read your letter and read your story, what you have been through is sad, i know your heartbroken..... but think again.... i have been through similar situation, there are so many people who has gone through what you've gone through and i believe in the future there will be more cases like yours, we are all human beings, all learning as we grow, we are all students of a thing called " life "  learn from all your right and wrong moments, learn from all your pleasures and pain, learn from your fear and courage........ learn to really live. learn to face your own inner mr lonley.
From: me


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Yumi Wongのインスタグラム
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