マリオのインスタグラム(marioworldwide) - 7月14日 12時35分

RIP SMOKEY. I was gonna wait to post this but i want people to take this heat serious. I live is Los Angeles and today I lost one of my best friends from a heat stroke. A lot of people told me how serious the heat was for dogs but I DID NOT take it serious enough and my dog was strong and a warrior but he was not a match for how dry and hot LA can get. PLEASE HEAR ME. PLEASE DON’T KEEP YOUR PETS OUT IN THE HEAT FOR LONGER THAN 30 MIN OR SO SUPERVISED! They have fur and they can’t tell you “hey dad Even though you left me a lot of water, I actually need more than that” or “Yes I’m energetic and I love to play but I should not be out in the heat this long”. We have to think for our pets because they trust us so much! So please be careful, Especially with very energetic dogs. They will push to the limit with playing. I can’t believe this but I wanted to share because I don’t want anybody else to feel this type of unexpected shock and pain. God bless??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




