PORTER magazineのインスタグラム(portermagazine) - 7月12日 17時34分

Charlotte Groeneveld, the face behind @thefashionguitar, is also known for being Mom-in-Chief to James and Stella - and like she says, raising kids in NY comes with a lot of plastic. So their family is joining the #PlasticNotFantastic movement and ditching single-use plastic straws - a small change that can make a lot of difference to save our oceans if we all join in. What could you give up?
Upload your pledge to eradicate single-use plastic from your life and nominate three friends to do the same. ? #ParleyAIR #PorterxParley #Passiton ?


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー

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