サマンサ・ペスゼックのインスタグラム(samanthapeszek) - 7月11日 23時28分

Ever since I became an elite athlete, I wanted to be skinnier. Even though my muscles helped me do the big skills I was known for, I always had trolls saying that my butt was too big, that I needed to be smaller, & that people "like me" could never eat bread again in life.

This week on the I Have Cool Friends podcast, I interview my childhood teammate who is now the sports dietician for Ohio State, Nicole "Krauter" Jontony (@jontonysportsperformance). We talk about our personal health & fitness journey & when it finally clicked for us. It's a topic that people generally like to stay away from, but we want to start the conversation & make it a positive one. Comment below what you think after listening!
To listen, go to the link in my bio or download it on iTunes or Android. Thanks to our sponsors @tumbltrak @destiraleotards


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