シンシア・ニクソンのインスタグラム(cynthiaenixon) - 7月7日 00時59分

Donald Trump hasn’t been shy about saying what we all know: his large campaign donations buy him access to the political establishment. When he donated to Governor Cuomo, Trump wanted policies that benefited billionaire real estate developers like himself and that’s what he got.

It’s now day two of Governor Cuomo publicly refusing to give back the $64,000 Donald Trump donated to his campaign. That’s more than the median New York family earns in a YEAR. This isn’t small potatoes. This is what crony capitalism looks like. ?

Frankly, it speaks volumes about Governor Cuomo’s values that he won’t just return the money.

The time for change is now.

We need real, progressive Democrats in office who are going to fight for their voters, not corporate donors.


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