ヘンリー・カヴィルのインスタグラム(henrycavill) - 7月6日 05時52分

This is a Behind The Scenes (BTS) photo of Jeff Lipsky and me from our Men's Journal shoot. It was in this moment that I spied an enormous spider on Jeff's face. I had to play it cool, "Keep smiling...keeeeep smiling" I told myself while i reached for my sidearm (which you can see me doing) so I could shoot it, without hitting Jeff obviously, before it sank it's fangs into him. I saved that man's life that day, and thank goodness because he's a fantastic photographer and a wonderful man to work with. True story.

You can live out the experience of being at Red Rock with me through the images contained within this month's Men's Journal magazine! On new stands right meow. There's also a wonderfully written interview by Alex Bhattacharji to go alongside said images, with words and everything.



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