ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 7月5日 03時28分

I remember seeing a photo exactly like this one not too long ago, only it was a photo of my mom with me on her hip and my sister Kerri swimming around her. Same lake, same dock, same little cabin in front of us. Time has a sneaky way about it doesn’t it? Some days it feels like it passes by soooo slowly...and sometimes (most of the time) I look at a photo like this and realize l am my mother. This place (the north woods of Wisconsin) will always be magic to me. It holds some of my most cherished childhood memories. My grandma still lives in the little house up the road that my grandfather was born in. She’s 83 and sharp as a tack. (hi grandma...if you’re reading this...she’s even on instagram) I got to have some great conversations with her last week about life and love and family. She has left quite the legacy: 3 kids, 9 grandkids, 18 great grandkids. Married to a man that adored her for 60 years. My grandpa passed 6 years ago and served in the Korean War. He had a heart of gold and always called me his ‘precious angel’...now he’s mine. Remembering and honoring him today and all the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom. I am forever thankful for where I come from and for this great country we get to call home. ??


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