タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 6月29日 02時05分

Looking at this pic from the Tea For Trump party reminded me of how the Democrats in power (and one very famous democratic socialist) are treating Maxine Waters. I’m not a Democrat, but I respect Maxine Waters for her dedication to the community. She has been so vocally anti Trump since he began running that Trump supporters have been harassing her to no end. Right wing journalists trying to sue her for “assault.” Fox News making fun of her hair. And now when she rightfully says we should be treating all who work for Trump like the Red Hen treated Sarah Sanders, these “leaders” of the Democratic Party throw her all the way under the bus. They are all too chickenshit to say what needs to be said. They have the luxury to play polite respectability games, we do not. Remember Trumps boy, the pedophile Roy Moore? Remember how white liberals and progressives were gushing about being saved by black woman who stopped Roy Moore? Remember when they all said they need to listen to black women more? They didn’t mean that. They are not listening to Maxine Waters. Had they been listening to her, we would not be here. Meanwhile, the 53% of white women that helped elect Trump are having opulent tea parties. This is why the Democrats fail. Too political. Too polite. Not enough bite and not enough fight. My 2 cents anyway.


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