unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月28日 00時25分

"Anyone can become a #refugee, anytime, in any place... We are people like any other, and when we are given opportunities we can succeed." Omar, born in Somalia, spent 19 years in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. During his time there, he founded Youth Voices of Kakuma, a group of young people committed to promoting the needs of their community. The group has developed initiatives like anti-bullying campaigns and football competitions. In 2016 Omar was resettled in the U.S., but he continues mobilizing young people as the Student Body President of his university and member of the County Immigrant and Refugee Task Force. Click on the link in our bio to learn more about how you can show your support for refugee and migrant children. #ChildrenUprooted © SeattleCentralMedia/2017


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