ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 6月27日 12時00分

This is the very first (official!) 3-D close-up of Asteroid 162173 RYUGU.
The Japanese Hayabusa2 team have scored a new triumph by parking their probe only tens of kilometres away from this extremely dark near-Earth-orbit asteroid. Dr. Patrick Michel brought the two component parts of this stereo to our concert last night. I was honoured to have the opportunity to make this very first stereo compilation - not only of Ryugu, but of any C-type (carbonaceous!) asteroid - in history. Very exciting for us all ! I asked the team for two exposures around 10 minutes apart. They sent me these two lovely images separated by 13 minutes. I’ve applied a few ‘polishes’ to this tonight, and offer it – as authorised – published after 5am. This is to coincide with the JAXA official announcement that the probe has reached its destination. JAXA rocks !!! Visit Hayabusa2@JAXA for updates.
Credit: JAXA, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, Aizu University, AIST.
Enjoy ! Bri Thanks also to Claudia Manzoni. *
@kitamitsunari - this makes me very happy. Worth staying up til 5am to do ! Respects to you, Dr.Yoshikawa, and all who made this mission fly ! Bri


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