instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 6月23日 22時20分

@fprunkov Make sure your dreams are so compelling that they keep you awake at night!
Shakespeare wrote a great line for Hamlet, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ??‍♂️
Concentrate on how your life is and how it could be. If you waste time looking back at what it wasn’t, you’re not noticing the new opportunities all around you. It’s an extraordinarily simple concept, but extraordinarily difficult for some people to act on.
What in life have you achieved by accident? ?
Yes, there are wonderful instances of serendipity – stumbling across something delightful and unexpected. That’s what makes each day a joyous adventure. However, whatever your objectives have been – learning to walk, read, driving a car, or using the newest digital device – chances are that you visualized yourself achieving them.
You intended to achieve those things and you were willing to put time and effort into these goals. ??
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Enjoy and comment something useful ?


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