クリスティ・ブリンクリーのインスタグラム(christiebrinkley) - 6月22日 22時33分

I loved KoKo from day one. When I was in my 20’s, I remember eagerly reading stories about her growing vocabulary. I recall the day she got a pet,who became her best friend, a little kitten, and as soon as she saw the kitten she named her All Ball !
I thought that was so clever! She also showed us that she was smart and WISE. Just look at this video so full of wisdom ! She is proof that people must treat all sentient beings with kindness and respect...the depth of her understanding of Nature and our place in it is expressed in pure poetry! She teaches us about our integral place and our responsibilities to Our Mother Earth. We thought people were teaching her but what she taught us with her sign language is immeasurable and vitally important and urgent. Thank you KoKo for all your lessons and I hope you are resting peacefully knowing you made an undeniable difference in our hearts and minds. We are Nature! Let’s WISE UP NOW and Hurry Up and #fixearth #helpearth #protectearth #ripkoko And thank you @neildegrassetyson for finding this extraordinary video. @vetsinternational #wearestardust ✨?✨


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