キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 6月21日 05時44分

When the people (us) don’t realize our power and the agenda in the first place,..the world begins to look just like it does. The matrix is really not that intricate...it’s always been up to us. I pray this is just a START of us being ACTIVE. #LOVEconnectsItdoesntSeparate #CollectiveMovementBecauseWe #AreAllConnected #NotKnowingYourPowerIsTheIr #GreatestWeapon #ComeOn Even when you can’t see the truth in the moment, if we would move from a place of LOVE and TOGETHERNESS you would SEE. Truth is visible and invincible. This game is old. #WheresOurSpiritualGangstaAt? #GodsWaitingMan


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