アンバー・ヴァレッタのインスタグラム(ambervalletta) - 6月20日 11時28分

Keeping children and infants in detention camps is deplorable. It’s beyond heartbreaking and I would say that any person in this country regardless of their party does not want little innocents separated for any amount of time from their families. We are a country that has been built on immigrants. Today we are a country that is not upholding its values. I feel so much shame and disgust with our government. People we must raise our voices. Call senators and reps from states that are not supporting the Feinstein Keep Family’s Together Act and ask them to please support this bill. This is NOT a partisan issue this is a human rights issue! Call 844-241-1141 and put in a zip code for a Republican state. Kindly ask them to support this bill. ??

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