マット・マクゴリーのインスタグラム(mattmcgorry) - 6月15日 09時41分

B. T. W. THA. NOS. We DO have enough resources for everyone to live but we won’t soon if we continue as we have been. Maybe if human beings weren’t so damn problematic and if things weren’t being controlled by a capitalist oligarchy and if the factory farming industry and Big Oil wasn’t destroying the Earth and we actually learned to live in peace with one another and our environment and took lessons from Indigenous populations on sustainability, then we wouldn’t need you to kill off half the universe. Maybe you could do some shit about THAT with your jewel-encrusted, blinged out glove. I meaaannnn...if you can do ANYthing...if you’re all powerful...MAYBE, just maybe, you could fund grassroots movements for liberation or marginalized communities and disintegrate oil drills and break up the big banks and fuck with universal healthcare while disintegrating (abolishing) the police and prison industrial complex while materializing (creating) infrastructure that teaches restorative justice and non-violent communication to all people so that humans actually have a chance of surviving more than a few more generations without making the Earth uninhabitable or killing ourselves off due to some men who are all about toxic masculinity. Or nah? (Image repost from @truevillainy )


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