モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 6月13日 00時45分

For too long we have called people ‘fascist’ when in truth they we’re just right wing idiots. But now we have a U.S president who actually does aspire to be an autocratic, fascist leader.
This isn’t hyperbole anymore, just look at the evidence:
1-he regularly maligns the free press.
2-he regularly maligns the independent judiciary.
3-he heaps praise on autocrats and dictators(putin, erdogan, duterte, kim jong un). 4-he wants to start staging military parades.
5-he supports, and is supported by, racists.
6-he maligns and persecutes immigrants.
7-he uses his office as a way to increase his and his families wealth.
And so on.
We need to do all that we can to block and stop him, otherwise the U.S will go the way of Erdogans Turkey or Dutertes Philippines.


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