ブルック・バトラーのインスタグラム(brookieserene) - 6月9日 05時05分

For a while now I haven’t really known where to call home...my life’s adventure has been a call to travel around, see different cities, taste new foods, meet new people with different outlooks and careers...they have all been magical, soul altering experiences. I’ve felt akin to every new place, and can picture all the different life possibilities! And then I realized home is simply the happiness I’ve felt within enjoying all these different world views. I find a piece of home everywhere I go, bc in the end aren’t we all one big family? The human experience is all pretty similar. And I’ve found that when you truly ask someone passing by you about their life...they want to share! I find people fascinating. I can’t wait to see what other people God has planned for me to meet, and what other adventures he wants to show me. After all, home isn’t necessarily a wooden frame with shit inside...it’s how you approach each day, each soul, and each experience in your daily life...and if you do it with empathy and a soft heart...thats a pretty rad home to build. XO


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