Today I have to congratulate Hokkaido classic golf club. The representatives came to see me from Osaka, Tokyo and of course Hokkaido classic to apologise for the way I was treated and discussed how they want to move forward in future. In turn they realise the rules at the golf club had to be changed and now the rules are as follows + any resident foreign or native can play the course + Any person living outside japan can play the course but has to be accompanied by a member. I think Hokkaido classic has been very understanding and by changing there rules they have set precedent to any other courses that has these rules and hopefully they will change them also! Thank you Hokkaido Classic Golf Club 今日、北海道クラシックゴルフクラブに感謝を述べたいです。ゴルフクラブの大阪、東京そして北海道の代表の方がわざわざ私に会いにきてくれました。この間のクラブの対応についての謝罪と今後について話し合い、方向性をおしえてくれました。彼らは外国人にたいしても良い対応をしてくれると約束してくれました。 コース利用規定 +日本在住外国人 +日本国外在住外国人はゴルフクラブメンバーと同伴の上、利用可能。 北海道クラシックゴルフクラブは外国人達対してもとても理解を示してくれた。 今後、他のコースも同じように外国人でも気持ち良く利用出来るようにしてくれる事を望みます。 #golf#hokkaido#japan#sapporo#taylormade#jacknicklaus#equality#onerace#together#peace#united#makechange#??

jaybothroydさん(@jaybothroyd)が投稿した動画 -

ジェイ・ボスロイドのインスタグラム(jaybothroyd) - 6月7日 05時58分

Today I have to congratulate Hokkaido classic golf club. The representatives came to see me from Osaka, Tokyo and of course Hokkaido classic to apologise for the way I was treated and discussed how they want to move forward in future. In turn they realise the rules at the golf club had to be changed and now the rules are as follows + any resident foreign or native can play the course + Any person living outside japan can play the course but has to be accompanied by a member.
I think Hokkaido classic has been very understanding and by changing there rules they have set precedent to any other courses that has these rules and hopefully they will change them also!
Thank you Hokkaido Classic Golf Club




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