ベッキーGのインスタグラム(iambeckyg) - 6月5日 05時54分

Two years & counting. Honestly, It feels like this smile hasn’t left my face since that very night you sat across from me & asked me to be yours... Thank you for the laughs, cries, endless support, honesty, friendship & love. It hasn’t been perfect but it’s been worth it. What we have I cherish so much. Happy anniversary. ❤️ Can’t wait to celebrate with you when I get home. Been thinking to myself about this milestone all day. I miss you like crazy. (Do you remember when I wanted to do a dinner to cheers to 6 months and you said “no, whats the big deal? How about you talk to me when it’s Two years.” ? well look now motha fuckah! In yo face! SICK ASS FOOL! Btw, For those who don’t know Seb and his sarcasm, this is a very Seb thing to say.)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




