ロニー・ラドクのインスタグラム(ronnieradke) - 6月1日 23時25分

(Don’t like this just read)
Sometimes I reflect and when I do it helps widen my scope and broaden my perspective on everything, @bobbyschubenski I’ve known for 15 years that’s almost half my life, never once have we had a falling out nor any drama, we’ve only lifted eachother up and encouraged one another, this is the essence of true friendship, we started in the same place, literally touring in a van with broken windows and hotel floors. Two different paths that some how reached similar successes with parallel odds stacked against one another. I appreciate and cherish my friendship. truly. Everyone go follow @blackcraftwrestling his newest endeavor and passion to help me show my gratitude. I ❤️ you all ???

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