ジェニファー・エスポジートのインスタグラム(jesposito) - 6月1日 03時12分

I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. It was 6AM and it was @officialspikelee offering me a role in Summer Of Sam. My first lead role and the start of a crazy crazy defeating, exhilarating , soul crushing, high flying and fall to your knees in heartache kind of journey. I will NEVER forget that moment as it meant EVERYTHING. Years later I understand just how deeply impactful that moment was. I’m opening up my world through work life, severe illness and how I AM STILL HERE , and of course what I ate along the way, in my new podcast coming soon. Stay tuned!! Xoxo get ready. #stillhere #fearless #ChewOnThis


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



