フランシア・ライサのインスタグラム(franciaraisa) - 6月1日 00時44分

Listen, do I wish I was doing this right now? Duh! But more importantly I’m glad I did. I haven’t taken a vacation in years! YEARS!!! I’m a workaholic, I suffer from anxiety, and I don’t know how to shut off my mind. I forced myself to do it on this trip (apologies to my reps for all the delayed emails.).... Being back home now I realized that my battery was basically at 2% in power saving mode. I feel fully charged and more confident to take on the world. I allowed myself to breathe for a few days which I can honestly say helped my anxiety. Moral of the story is, even if it’s a staycation, it’s important to do what you can to allow yourself to breathe and recharge for a few days..... And it’s ok to.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



