のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 5月24日 10時10分

School holidays are coming soon! Are you and your kids traveling anywhere? I have received lots of questions on how I pack diapers for @cheesiepetit since we travel so much, and we all know diapers take up a scary amount of space in the suitcase! For those who asked if they should pack enough diapers for the trip or buy at the travel destination, I'd say, pack it, or at least bring enough for 3-4 days if you travel long term, because finding the right diaper could be a nightmare in a foreign land (heng we always travel to Japan so we can always buy back MamyPoko). I super recommend the MamyPoko Air Fit pants, because I remember changing Sakura only whenever she pooped or after shower during our entire trip. Meaning that it lasted ONE WHOLE DAY thanks to how unbelievably absorbant it is. Yet there was zero leakage or wettiness that causes nappy rash. To be on the safe side, I made the estimation of 2.5 diapers per day for Sakura (meaning 2 per day and 1 as insurance for every other day), and one per day for Junya for his night sleep, and by the end of the trip I still ended up with extra. This also helped us to pack really light by minimizing diaper count, plus the Mamypoko Air Fit pants are really thin and light so they really don't take up that much luggage space. ^^


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