トラビ・マッコイのインスタグラム(traviemccoy) - 5月20日 15時32分

Happiness level: ULTRA MAGNETIC
Thank you to one of the bestest human beings in the world I am so proud to call a brother and comrade. SO, I hit @thereallyrealelp immediately after catching a glimpse of this majestic piece by @scartoccio He gave me his word that he would put one aside for me, tonight he made good on it and made me the happiest boy in the world, it was a pleasure hangin’, it’s been far too long @aprettybigmouth it is always a blessing to be in your presence, NOTICE ME SENPAI, NOTICE ME!! Boots, let’s hit the continue button on our mini cook up session SOON!!! A magical night in Upstate New York for sure, cracked new MacBook screen and all, sometimes the REAL shit outweighs the petty shit, PLAY WITH YOUR TOYS AND WEAR YOUR SNEAKERS FOR FUCK SAKE?-❤️™️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



