ミラ・ジョヴォヴィッチのインスタグラム(millajovovich) - 5月14日 01時13分

Happy Mother’s Day to all you fabulous mom’s out there, including my own gorgeous mama! You deserve it ladies. When I remember what my mom went through to help me become who I am today, I am so proud. To move to a new country where you hardly speak the language, to struggle and work any job she could to pay for my endless classes, acting, piano, ballet, TAP! I mean tap? Really Mom?? When I think of all the times she motivated me to be the best I could be, to educate me, to remind me what it is to be a good person, to have empathy and compassion for others, to be the first one at work with a smile on my face and the last one to leave (also with a smile), to never complain, to be strong amidst the endless rejection and criticism this industry piles on performers, to have common sense, to appreciate the people around me and most importantly, to just relax and be a pleasant person. You did all this and for the most part thank you’s were few and far between. Well, thank you mommy! You’re the best and I love you so much!❤️❤️❤️ #happymothersday #ladiary


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