TiAのインスタグラム(tia_singer) - 5月11日 14時24分

Great news!!! ?【The New York Times】
I have a featured article on the world famous New York Times!!!
I am extremely happy and have cried with joy!

I’m truly thankful for all the connections that I’ve made.
Terrance L. Kennedy who taught me about Gospel music. Gospel music helped me and healed me many times.
Chiko Kondo who brought the luck,Stephen Globus and Wendell Jamieson who gave me chances, and James Barron who wrote this wonderful article.
Thank you for the blessings. I’m very thankful.
The lord is watching me and guiding me, I want to make sure to walk with Him.

Please read this article.
Thank you.

#arianagrande #taylorswift #rihanna #drake #hiphop #ありがとう #ゴスペル #selfie #kanyewest #gospel #food #NY #Tokyo #ゴスペルクワイア #chrisbrown #ニューヨーク #jesus #singer #church #gospelmusic #asiangirls #cleveland studio #music #asian #nyc
#heaven #nytimes


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