zumiezのインスタグラム(zumiez) - 5月8日 02時54分

"With the increase of senseless gun violence happening across the country, me and the team @ObeyClothing and @StudioNumberOne felt obligated to address gun violence issues, and take a hard look at the prevalence of guns in our culture. We created a series of OBEY Awareness shirts that I designed along with members of my creative agency @studionumberone, to raise awareness and funds to educate and combat the problems we are seeing. We are calling this series Stop the Violence – available worldwide ‪on May 4th.‬ Thanks for your support!" - Shepard Fairey
Under its OBEY Awareness platform, OBEY will be donating 100% of net profits from sales of the Stop The Violence tees to the Community Justice Reform Coalition (CJRC). CJRC is national advocacy organization with the focus on addressing the intersection of gun violence prevention and criminal justice reform in urban communities of color. They use and promote evidence-based approaches to build safe and just communities, and support organizing and evaluation through training and technical assistance. #StopTheViolence#CommunityJusticeReformCoalition #CJRC#ShepardFairey #ObeyGiant #SNO#OBEYAwareness #OBEYclothing#ObeyWomens


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