のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 5月7日 12時43分

Sometimes I'm not sure which one is more troublesome - ❄️??Winter travel with kids that's full of endless layers of heattech, jackets and moisturising cream and the likelyhood of chapped lips, OR, ???summer outdoor fun with kids that involves change of clothes one after another, bug repellent, sun block and potential outburst of heat rash. Now that we are back to Singapore, I have a new set of problems to face haha. Is it me or is the weather getting a little crazy in Singapore and KL these days? Rain, heat, more rain, scorching heat. ?☀️?Sakura especially easily develops rashes under her neck and her back in hot climate >.<. Luckily no nappy rash so far. I'm glad that MamyPoko Air Fit pants keeps her bums and thighs airy with its amazing breathability. Seriously one single pair of pants lasts her the whole day out keeping her comfy at all time. I also try to dress her as light as possible. Any other tips from you mommies to keep heat rash at bay?



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