ホルヘ・ロレンソのインスタグラム(jorgelorenzo99) - 5月7日 02時10分

Laura Jordán (MotoGP): Jorge, what happened?
Jorge: I know it's the most shocking thing of the race but I don’t to talk a lot of this. We’re the 3 cleanest riders of MotoGP and today it has been a really unlucky action. Very bad luck, specially for Andrea and for Ducati because they’re fighting for the championship so this is what I dislike the most. Even so, I think that my race it has been a very good race, from the start to the end, with my determination, the speed that I had, etc. This is the most important thing.
Carles Perez (Movistar TV): Great race, do you feel more comfortable with this bike?
Jorge: We still have a lot to find really comfortable. If I was comfortable I would have led the race much more and I would have fought for the victory. Those three tenths are missing and we have to keep working hard, but today I felt very brave and fast and that is a big step. #JL99 ? #SpanishGP


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