ラミン・カリムルーのインスタグラム(raminkarimloo) - 5月6日 15時02分

Never did I think I would have had the chance to revisit this incredible character, story and music. It was a dream that I achieved very early on. So after about seven years, albeit a concert version and no mask (no mask being my choice), I’m very grateful to the producers here in Korea for asking me to come for this ride. I’ve had the best time. Our leading lady @annaobyrne has been and is incredible and I’m happy to know that in a few short weeks we will be making music together again. This cast has been a pure joy to watch. @michaelkleeofficial Has been someone I’ve always wanted to work with. He is a gentleman and a talent. ...Folks, do what you can to keep out the ‘noise’ and ‘nonesense’ in your life. Keep your eyes on your goals and ambitions. Don’t listen to bullshit around you. Not all roads are meant to be easy, but damn well worth it when you stick to it and go through it. There will always be doubters and haters. They are usually only projecting. Stick to your convictions while their insecurities keep them stuck. Surround yourself with good people, knowledge and inspiration. Revisiting this show has reminded me of what got me started all them years ago. Finally I must say how incredibly inspiring, educational and joyous it has been to work with Maestro David Caddick. @phantombway Much love.


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