ダニエル・オズボーンのインスタグラム(danosborneofficial) - 5月5日 02時56分

Isn’t always nice when your private life is very much the opposite of private.. or when people are making up stories about you etc which you know aren’t true but can’t do anything about them.. or people judging you, commenting about you etc when they don’t know you.. or when people taking pictures of you etc without control.. also that the media only really want to write about you non stop when there’s a negative story to write, not interested in anything positive you do in your life... ??
However, been sent this picture someone took and it melts my heart, this is my babies reaction when they see each other.. that is what life is all about, being happy, taking care of your children, raising them the best you can and making sure you do everything you can to make sure their beautiful little faces are smiling. Making sure they are always in a happy environment and growing up to be the best people they can be ???? these two little humans are my absolute world! ?❤️


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