エンリケ・イグレシアスのインスタグラム(enriqueiglesias) - 5月3日 21時13分

Guys #MOVETOMIAMI is out!!!! I've never been more excited for a song. Pitbull and I hope that you have as much fun listening to it as we did making it. We know that none of this is possible without the most incredible, passionate, dedicated fans in the world and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us. I’ve been watching all your posts on social media and love all the things you’ve done with the single cover and clips we’ve put out so far. I can’t wait to see all the dance videos, cover songs, acoustic versions and ways that you’ll make the song your own. I’m watching every day loving and appreciating everything you share. #ThankYou #ThankYou #ThankYou #ThankYou
Love - EI

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